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Resolving taxonomic ambiguity and crypticspeciation of Hypotrigona species throughmorphometrics and DNA barcoding

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dc.contributor.author Nelly, N Ndungu
dc.contributor.author Kiatoko, Nkoba
dc.contributor.author atherine, L Sole
dc.contributor.author Christian, WW Pirk
dc.contributor.author Yusuf, Abdullahi
dc.contributor.author Suresh, K Raina
dc.contributor.author Daniel, K Masiga
dc.date.accessioned 2019-05-14T07:06:53Z
dc.date.available 2019-05-14T07:06:53Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/943
dc.description.abstract Stingless bees are important pollinators of cultivated and wild plants, contributing significantly to biodiversity and foodsecurity. Conserving pollinator plant interactions is essential to secure these ecosystems services. The use ofmorphological features in the identification of stingless bees in the genusHypotrigonais extremely difficult, due to manysimilarities among species resulting in taxonomic ambiguity. Here, we apply both traditional morphometrics and DNAbarcoding as omplementary tools for the identification of threeHypotrigonaspecies from Kenya:Hypotrigona gribodoi,H. ruspoliiandH. araujoi.Our results show that morphometrics separatesH. gribodoiandH. ruspoliifromH. araujoi;however there is an overlap betweenH. gribodoiandH. ruspolii. On the other hand, DNA barcoding separates thethree species. There was lower genetic distance betweenH. araujoiandH. gribodoifrom Kakamega (1.4%) thanbetweenH. gribodoicollected from Kakamega andH. gribodoifrom Mwingi (4.3%). The high genetic distance orintraspecific distance withinH. gribodoistrongly suggests cryptic speciation within this species, and that theH. gribodoicollected from Mwingi is a putative new species.Thus the use of morphometrics and molecular taxonomic approaches(DNA barcoding) provide a convenient, robust and reliable way to identifyHypotrigonaspecies. It also indicates theneed for a thorough revision ofH. gribodoispecies.Resolviendo la ambigu ̈edad taxono ́mica y la especiacio ́n crı ́ptica de las especies deHypotrigonaa trave ́sde la morfometrı ́a y el co ́digo de barras de ADNLas abejas sin aguijo ́n son importantes polinizadores de plantas cultivadas y silvestres, contribuyendo significativamentea la biodiversidad y la seguridad alimentaria. La conservacio ́n de las interacciones entre plantas polinizadoras es esencialpara asegurar estos servicios de los ecosistemas. El uso de las caracterı ́sticas morfolo ́gicas en la identificacio ́n de lasabejas sin aguijo ́nenelge ́neroHypotrigonaes extremadamente difı ́cil, debido a mu ́ltiples similitudes entre especies quedan lugar a ambigu ̈edades taxono ́micas. Aquı ́aplicamos tanto la morfometrı ́a tradicional como el co ́digo de barras deADN como herramientas complementarias para la identificacio ́n de tres especies deHypotrigonade Kenia:Hypotrigonagribodoi,H. ruspoliiyH. araujoi. Nuestros resultados muestran que la morfometrı ́a separa aH. gribodoiyH. ruspoliideH.araujoi; sin embargo, existe un solapamiento entreH. gribodoiyH. ruspolii. Por otra parte, el co ́digo de barras de ADNsepara las tres especies. Hubo una menor distancia gene ́tica entreH. araujoiyH. gribodoide Kakamega (1.4%) que entreH. gribodoide Kakamega yH. gribodoide Mwingi (4.3%). La mayor distancia gene ́tica o distancia intraespecı ́fica dentrodeH. gribodoisugiere fuertemente la especiacio ́n crı ́ptica dentro de esta especie, y queH. gribodoirecogida de Mwingies una nueva especie putativa. Por lo tanto, el uso de la morfometrı ́a y los enfoques taxono ́micos moleculares (co ́digode barras de ADN) proporcionan una manera conveniente, robusta y confiable de identificar especies deHypotrigona.Tambie ́n indica la necesidad de realizar una revisio ́n exhaustiva de las especies deH. gribodoi en_US
dc.description.sponsorship European Union (EU) [grantnumber DCI-FOOD/2013/313-659] frican Reference Labora-tory (with satellite stations) for the Management of PollinationBee Diseases and Pests for Food Securty UK Aid from theUK Government; Swedish International DevelopmentCooperation Agency (Sida Swiss Agency for Develop-ment and Cooperation (SDC) German Academic ExchangeService (DAAD) In-Region Postgraduate Scholarship en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/ *
dc.subject Stingless bees en_US
dc.subject Hypotrigonaspecies en_US
dc.subject DNA barcoding en_US
dc.subject morphometrics en_US
dc.title Resolving taxonomic ambiguity and crypticspeciation of Hypotrigona species throughmorphometrics and DNA barcoding en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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