The idea for an" African Regional Pest Management R & D Network (PESTNET) for Integrated Control of Crop and Livestock Pests" was formulated in July 1985 as the outcome of two planning missions sponsored by the USAID, UNDP and lCIPE. A Regional Workshop held from 6-8 October 1985, in Nairobi, reaffirmed the
proposal to establish a network to enable the exchange of scientific experience and methodologies, to provide for multi-locational testing of new pest management techniques, and to develop scientific leadership in Africa by training at different levels. The Workshop recommended that a PESTNET implementation meeting of government representatives be held to formulate a work programme within a framework of cooperation. At this meeting, details of national pest problems were presented through a series of country papers as well as in a report of an ICIPE sponsored mission to several of the countries represented. The areas for IClPE participation in collaborative work in crop and livestock pests through scientific exchange and training under a networking arrangement were clearly defined. To this end, representatives from national governments and other institutions in East and Southern Africa met in Nairobi from 22-26 June 1986 to finalize plans for the implementation of an African Regional Pest Management
R & D Network (PESTNET) for Integrated Control of Crop and Livestock Pests. The representatives issued a Communique in which they recognized the great importance of insects as pests of livestock and agricultural crops
which limit productivity and economic development. They endorsed the PESTNET initiative, drew up recommendations for a programme of work; and agreed to launch it from 1st October 1986. They recognized the mandate of the ICIPE to develop and promote methods of pest and vector control which are appropriate for African ecosystems. They agreed that ICIPE shall act as coordinator for the PESTNET programme on behalf of the participating institutions. They further agreed to assist the ICIPE to manage the programme through advisory mechanisms established in
a framework of cooperation. The funding arrangements for PESTNET were discussed and it was agreed that ICIPE should seek funding for the operational centre (based at ICIPE), for collaborative projects and for training. A draft 3 year budget was drawn up for this purpose. It was agreed that national programmes would seek bi-lateral funding for specific within-country activities.