This document presents an account of the progress made and the experience
gained during 1998-2001 in a regional initiative, ' Integrated Pest Management
for Vegetable Crops: Development of Appropriate Technology and Dissemination
Models in Eastern Africa'. This initiative was funded by the International Fund
for Agricultural Development (IFAD), with coMfinancing from the United States
Agency for international Development (USAID). Coordination and scientific
leadership were provided by the International Centre of Insect Physiology and
Ecology (ICIPE), while the national vegetable research teams (NVRTs), through
the integrated pest management (IPM) advisory panels in the partner countries
Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda implemented the jointly planned model
on lPM awareness building.
The implementation of the Initiative's objectives was conducted through
farmer-participatory activities, including group learning and group testing of
IPM. options in common plots based primarily on the farmers' field school (FFS)
approach developed by the Food and Agriculture Orgai1isation of the United
Nations (FAO). The focus was on developing a multi-season and multi-crop IPM
awareness building model for empowering farmers through facititating sustainable
access to IPM technology options at the grassroots.
Another important goal was to build the research capacity of the national
agricultural research and extension systems (NARES). This was addressed through
MSc or PhD training aimed at filling critical gaps and widening the menu of
promising !PM technology options for sustainable management of the major pest
problems of vegetable crops.