The ability of honeybees to successfully grow, reproduce and build strong colonies and produce honey depends on their ability to obtain enough resources from flowering plants within appropriate seasons. However, little is ...
Evalyne, W. Ndotono; Chrysantus, M. Tanga; Segenet, Kelemu; Fathiya, M. Khamis(Scientific Reports, 2024)
Plastic waste has recently become a major global environmental concern and one of the biggest challenges has been seeking for alternative management options. Several studies have revealed the potential of several coleopteran ...
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) has been promoted in Kenya as a panacea for climate change impacts on agricultural productiv-ity. Consequently, various climate-smart aquaculture technologies, innovations, and management ...
Beatrice, T. Nganso; Nurit, Eliash; Kannan, Mani; Noa, Sela; Alejandro, Villar-Briones; Angelina, Fathia Osabutey; Ada, Rafaeli; Alexander, S. Mikheyev; Victoria, Soroker(Experimental and Applied Acarology, 2024)
In this study, we evaluated the role of the gnathosoma (mouthparts) in chemosensing of the most devastating honey bee parasite, Varroa destructor mite. Through transcriptomic analysis, we compared ...
Edwin, N. Mathai; Didier, K. Barwani; Vincent, Mwashi; Jonathan, M. Munguti; Jacob, Iteba; Francis, Wekesa; Chrysantus, M. Tanga; Peter, Kiiru; Mathew, G. Gicheha; Isaac, M. Osuga(Journal of Agriculture Science & Technology, 2024)
0.41, 0.42, 0.44 and 0.52 for treatments diets T0, T100, T25, T50 and T75 respectively. Treatment diet T25 recorded the lowest feed conversion ratio (FCR) compared to the other treatments diets.Further, the results indicated ...
M.A. Aaqillah-Amr; A. Hidir; M. Ikhwanuddin; N.A. Fatan; R. Muhammad-Rahimi; S. Ning-Shahira; R.G.N. Siankhe; G.W. Vandenberg; C.M. Tanga; R. Yossa(Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 2024)
This review examines the use of insect meal (IM) as a substitute for fishmeal (FM) in fish feeds within the past decade. While global interest in this alternative is growing, research on its effects on fish digestibility, ...
The ability of honeybees to successfully grow, reproduce and build strong colonies and produce honey depends on theirability to obtain enough resources fromflowering plants within appropriate seasons. However, little is ...
Evalyne, W. Ndotono; Chrysantus, M. Tanga; Segenet, Kelemu; Fathiya, M. Khamis(Scientific Reports, 2024)
Plastic waste has recently become a major global environmental concern and one of the biggest challenges has been seeking for alternative management options. Several studies have revealed the potential of several coleopteran ...
Agnes, Chepkorir; Dennis, Beesigamukama; Harun, I. Gitari; Shaphan, Y. Chia; Sevgan, Subramanian; Sunday, Ekesi; Birachi, Eliud Abucheli; Jean, Claude Rubyogo; Theodore, Zahariadis; Gina, Athanasiou; Aikaterini, Zachariadi; Vasileios, Zachariadis; Abdou, Tenkouano; Chrysantus, M. Tanga(Frontiers in Plant Science, 2024)
Bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production is undermined by soil degradation and low biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) capacity. This study evaluated the effect of black soldier fly frass fertilizer (BSFFF) on bush bean ...
Ghislain, T. Tepa-Yotto; Henri, E. Z. Tonnang; Georg, Goergen; Sevgan, Subramanian; Emily, Kimathi; Elfatih, M. Abdel-Rahman; Daniel, Flø; Karl, H. Thunes; Komi, K. M. Fiaboe; Saliou, Niassy; Anani, Bruce; Samira, A. Mohamed; Manuele, Tamò; Sunday, Ekesi; May-Guri, Sæthre(MDPI INSECTS, 2024)
Simple Summary:The fall armyworm (FAW),Spodoptera frugiperdahas now become a pest of globalimportance. Its introduction and detection in Africa in 2016, and subsequent introduction andspread into Asia and Australia, has ...
S.S., Mwanza; C.M., Mudalungu; N.M., Kimani; H.O., Mokaya; B.O., Ochieng; S., Juma; C.M., Tanga(Nutritional and antioxidant properties of two species of edible scarab beetles (Cetonia aurata and Oryctes rhinoceros), 2024)
Edible scarab beetles are important repositories for nutritive and bioactive compounds, but this information remains largely unexplored. This study explored the nutritional and therapeutic properties of two edible scarab ...
Fairo, F. Dzekashu; Abdullahi, A. Yusuf; Kazuhiro, Takemoto; Marcell, K. Peters; Marcell, K. Peters; H. Michael, G. Lattorff; Ingolf, Steffan-Dewenter; Christian, W.W. Pirk(Ecological Indicators, 2024)
Interaction network resilience can be defined as the ability of interacting organisms to maintain their functions, processes or populations after experiencing a disturbance. Studies on mutualistic interactions between ...
Predators often search for prey while moving through the environment, but there are important exceptions, including the way sedentary predators sometimes rely on signals for drawing prey to within striking distance1,2. ...
Adundo, L.A.; Mulungu, K.(Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 2024)
This study investigates the nutritional contribution of insects to the diets and income of an entomophagous region in western Kenya. We used a random sample of households from two sub-counties in western Kenya and collected ...
Bonface, Onyango; Copeland, Robert; John, Mbogholi; Caleb, Kibet; Tonnang, Henri E. Z.; Senagi, Kennedy(Ecology and Evolution, 2024)
The current knowledge on insects feeding on fruits is limited, and some of the scarce existing data on the fruit- associated insects are secluded within the host institutions. Consequently, their value is not fully realized. ...
Nelly, N. Ndungu; Timothy, M. Kegode; Justus, K. Kurgat; Kasina, J.M.; Subramanian, Sevgan; Nganso, Beatrice T.(Heliyon, 2024)
Globally, the demand for natural remedies such as honey to manage ailments has increased. Yet, the health benefits and chemical composition of African honeys are not well understood. Therefore, this study aimed to characterise ...
Joseph, G. Ndungu; Rose, M. Marubu; John, B. Ochola; Nixon, B. Onyimbo; Subramanian, Sevgan; Caroline, W. Muriuki; Kalist, E. Komu; Mary, W. Gikungu(African Journal of Ecology, 2024)
Sub-Saharan freshwater biodiversity is impacted by changes in land use and climate change. To evaluate the relationship between physico-chemical variables and macroinvertebrate community assemblages in Kakamega and the ...
Loretta, Mugo-Kamiri; Jasper, K. Imungi; Lucy, Njue; Gracious, Diiro; Fidelis Levi, O. Ombura; Komivi, S. Akutse; Chrysantus, Tanga M.; Fathiya, M. Khamis; Subramanian, Sevgan(Frontiers in Microbiology, 2024)
Edible grasshopper,Ruspolia ruspolia, has nutritional and cherished culturaland economic importance to people from diverse cultures, particularly inover 20 African countries. It is consumed at home or commercially traded ...
Mokaya, Hosea O.; Cynthia, M. Mudalungu; Tchouassi, David P.; Chrysantus, M. Tanga(ACS Food Science & Technology, 2024)
Due to the recent increase in the human population and the associated shortage of protein resources, it is necessary to find new, sustainable, and natural protein resources from underutilized edible insects. This study ...
Magara, Henlay J. O.; Chrysantus, M. Tanga; Brian, L. Fisher; Abdelmutalab, G. A. Azrag; Saliou, Niassy; James, P. Egonyu; Sylvain, Hugel; Nana, Roos; Monica, A. Ayieko; Subramanian, Sevgan; Sunday, Ekesi(PLOS ONE, 2024)
Gryllus bimaculatus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) is widely considered an excellent nutrient source for food and feed. Despite its economic importance, there is limited information on the impact of temperature on the bionomics ...